Get smokey eyes in 2 minutes!


There are hundreds of ways to get smokey eyes. With blue, with black, with grey etc. But today I will show you the easiest way to get a grey smokey eyes. So without much ado, we should move on.

1) Apply concealer under your eyes. Merge it well.

Step 1

Step 1

2) Apply primer on your eye lids and merge well.

Step 2

Step 2

3) Now apply black eyeshadow on your crease. If you don’t have it, use a kohl/kajal.

Step 3

Step 3

4) Start merging the eyeshadow/kajal towards eye lids.

Step 4

Step 4

5) Now apply grey shadow on the lids (concentrating at the centre).

Step 5

Step 5

6) Then apply white or silver eyeshow on the eyebrow bone (just below the eyebrow) and merge it well.

Step 6

Step 6

7) Merge the sharp line of the black and greay eyeshadow with the help of any copper or brownish matte eyehshadow (merge till there is no sharp lines).

Step 7

Step 7

8) Now on the outer lids of the eyes add black eyeshadow and merge it inwards.

Step 8

Step 8

9) Apply the thinnest eyeliner possible and apply kajal on the waterline (both up and down), curl your eye lashes and apply two coats of mascara.

Step 9

All set!


P.S: Sorry for the blur pics, my camera zoom s*cks. It is high time I should buy a new camera now 😉 😛